I believe we all have a role to play in the fight against global warming. Our actions, sometimes small, sometimes big, all have an impact. And when combined with thousands of other actions we make a positive difference!
With this website I hope to help small and medium sized enterprises worldwide with reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. This is realized by informing, inspiring and activating entrepreneurs with how to save energy and generate renewable energy. By doing so, I hope to do my share with stopping global warming and preserve sustainability in businesses.

My name is Rob van der Rijt from the Netherlands. In the Netherlands I founded the now more than 1.5 million times consulted online climate action platform Klimaatplein.com. I consulted dozens of companies towards carbon neutrality. I wrote the managementbook “In 5 steps towards a carbon neutral business”. By creating awareness and providing concrete and practical solutions I hope that, together with all partners, we will contribute to a greener and more sustainable world.
On this website entrepreneurs can work directly towards a carbon neutral business with the help of a publicly accessible and free carbon footprint calculator and a 4-step roadmap towards carbon neutrality. In addition, organizations keep informed and inspired by the articles on this website and the LinkedIn and Twitter account @carbonfootprintmgmt. Mail us by using info(at)carbonfootprintmanagement.com.